"To intuit is to grasp, in the deepest sense of who intuits beyond the merely sensible,
structures and forms of what experience gives". Edmund Husserl
Before being Natalia, Natalia was rebellious and kept a secret.
She was in love with people and her power was to look them in the eyes.
Now, Natalia falls in love with shapes, the secret remains hidden
and her power is to make the invisible, visible.
At the crossing of the Natalias, photographs are born framing the world to put it in order.
Their essence lives in the tension between the two.
Seemingly distant but absolutely provocative.
Before being Natalia, Natalia was 120 cm tall and was missing a tooth.
structures and forms of what experience gives". Edmund Husserl
Before being Natalia, Natalia was rebellious and kept a secret.
She was in love with people and her power was to look them in the eyes.
Now, Natalia falls in love with shapes, the secret remains hidden
and her power is to make the invisible, visible.
At the crossing of the Natalias, photographs are born framing the world to put it in order.
Their essence lives in the tension between the two.
Seemingly distant but absolutely provocative.
Before being Natalia, Natalia was 120 cm tall and was missing a tooth.

What is covered, what is hidden. What is blocked, what is obstructed.
What is not there. What we cannot see.
What is there, but off camera.
Invisible space that extends the visible.
What is not there. What we cannot see.
What is there, but off camera.
Invisible space that extends the visible.

I have a memory, an image. Always the same image.
Walking hand in hand with my mom.
With long wool stockings and an itchy dress. Uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable.
I remember looking at the tiles on the floor. At that moment I was closer to them.
I remember looking at the tiles and my shoes, hard shiny white shoes. Uncomfortable.
Ahead my dad, always ahead. Hand in hand with my brother.
I remember looking his long legs, his bold head, his back.
I can't reach him. My place is behind.
Walking hand in hand with my mom.
With long wool stockings and an itchy dress. Uncomfortable, quite uncomfortable.
I remember looking at the tiles on the floor. At that moment I was closer to them.
I remember looking at the tiles and my shoes, hard shiny white shoes. Uncomfortable.
Ahead my dad, always ahead. Hand in hand with my brother.
I remember looking his long legs, his bold head, his back.
I can't reach him. My place is behind.

Obstruction: the action of obstructing or the state of being obstructed.
To obstruct: block (an opening, path, road, etc.); be or get in the way of.
To cover: put something on top of or in front of (something), especially in order to protect or conceal it.
Cover something so that it prevents seeing or being seen.
Obstruction: the action of obstructing or the state of being obstructed.
To obstruct: block (an opening, path, road, etc.); be or get in the way of.
To cover: put something on top of or in front of (something), especially in order to protect or conceal it.
Cover something so that it prevents seeing or being seen.

The fragment, the cutout, the limit, anonymity.
Frame: Limits of the image. Open window to the world.
It lets us see a fragment of an imaginary world.
Field: Portion of imaginary space contained inside the frame.
Frame: Limits of the image. Open window to the world.
It lets us see a fragment of an imaginary world.
Field: Portion of imaginary space contained inside the frame.

Operation that consists of eliminating from an experience and its object any position regarding its reality,
as well as the existence of the subject.
EPOCHÉ:Mental state of "suspension of judgment", a state of consciousness in which nothing is denied or affirmed.
For Husserl, epoché consists of the "bracketing" not only of doctrines about reality but also of reality itself.
Operation that consists of eliminating from an experience and its object any position regarding its reality,
as well as the existence of the subject.
EPOCHÉ:Mental state of "suspension of judgment", a state of consciousness in which nothing is denied or affirmed.
For Husserl, epoché consists of the "bracketing" not only of doctrines about reality but also of reality itself.